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Posebno, pojedinačno ponapit adj got drunk (successively) ponapiti se vr get drunk ('successively, one after another, one and all) ponarasti vi grow up (in succession, gradually) ponašanj|e n behaviour, bearing; manners pl, conduct, deportment; (držanje) carriage, attitude; (odgoj) breeding | dobro ~e good manners (breeding); loše ~e bad manners, lošeg ~a ill-bread, ill-mannered ponašati se vr behave, conduct oneself, bear oneself; (neučtivo, prosto) misbehave | ne zna se kod stola ~ he has no table manners ponavljač m pupil who failed and has to re-attend the same form ponavljan pp repeated, revised; reproduced, reiterated

ponavljanje n (riječi) repetition; reiteration, reproduction; (naučenoga) revision; (vraćanje) recurrence ponavljati vi repeat; (učenje) revise, check oneself; reproduce, reiterate ponavljati se vr recur, occur (happen) repeatedly; (vraćati se) recur; repeat oneself (itself) Poncij|e m | slati od ~a do Pilata drive from pillar to post ponderirati vt (statistički) weight ponedjeljak m Monday ponegdje adv here and there, in places ponekad adv sometimes, off and on, now and then poneki adj some, a few, isolated, occasional, the odd ponestajanje n gradual (slow) giving out, running low (short); (snage) gradual exhaustion ponestajati vi v.

Pokratiti pokraden pp stolen, pilfered, purloined, filched; (otuđen) cribbed, abstracted pokraj prep besides, close to, adjoining, alongside with, side by side, to one's side, by, by the side of, juxtaposited; (osim toga) additional, extra; (dodatan) collateral; (uporedo s) abreast of; (usprkos) for all that, nevertheless pokrajina f province; (provincija) the provinces pokrajinski adj provincial pokrajn|i adj adjoining, neighbouring | ~a ulica sidestree , off-street; (cesta, put) by-road, by-path pokrasti vt steal, pilfer, thieve, filch, abstract, crib; (stoku) lift (successively, on several occasions) pokrata f abbreviation pokratiti vt abridge, abbreviate, shorten pokrečen pp whitewashed pokrečiti vt whitewash pokrenuti vt start, set in motion, originate pokrenuti se vr make a move pokrepati vi die one by one pokret m movement; (komešanje) stir, bustle; (kretnja) motion, gesture, push | staviti u ~ start, set going; ~ otpora resistance movement pokretač m starter; fig prime-mover, originator, agitator pokretačk|i adj promoting; originating | ~a sila driving force pokret|an' adj mobile; movable; agile; (na zglob, stožer) hinged | ~na imovina movables pl, personal (movable) property, chattels pl, personalty pokretan'' pp moved (by), propelled, run, kept in motion; motive, ambulatory pokretanje n starting, putting (setting) in motion, running, propelling pokretati vt keep in motion, propel, move, agitate pokretljiv adj v.

Počevši od počarkati se vr skirmish počasiti vi linger, stay a bit longer počasni adj honorary; (samo po imenu) titular, nominal, in name only počast f honours pl, homage, respects pl, mark of honour (respect), (dutiful) reverence | njemu u ~ in his honour; iskazati ~ pay (do) honour to, pay respects to; do homage to; (poštovanje) pay reverence to; iskazati posljednju ~ do the last (funeral) honours, perform the last offices počastan adj v.

Dosadan, dugotrajan dugočasiti se vr v.

Patka plovljenje n navigation, sailing; sailoring; voyaging, voyage; floating, drifting plovni adj floating; (rijeka) navigable | ~ objekt vessel plovnost f navigability, navigableness plovućac m minr pumice (-stone), emery pluća n pl lungs pl; (svinje, ovce itd.) lights pl | fig imati jaka (slaba) ~ have a good (bad) wind; upala ~ inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia; krilo ~ lobe of the lungs plućaši m pl zoo (puževi) Pulmonata plućica f cul | teleća ~ calf's lights plućn|i adj pulmonary, pulmonic, lung plućnjak m bot lung-wort plug m B plough, A plow; (snježni) snow-plough plural m gram plural | staviti u ~ pluralize pluralist m pluralist pluralistički adj pluralist(ic) pluralizam m pluralism pluralni adj gram plural plus m plus | još dva ~ additional (extra) two, two more; fig veliki ~ a great asset (plus) pluskvamperfekt m gram pluperfect (tense) plutača f buoy plutanje n floating plutati vi float plutnjak m bot (hrast) cork oak pluto n cork; (udice) float plutokracija f plutocracy plutokrat m plutocrat plutokratski adj plutocratic Pluton m myth & astr Pluto plutonij m chem plutonium plužen adj ploughed pluženje n ploughing plužiti vt plough plužni adj of a plough, plough pljačka f robbery, plunder, pillage, sack, spoil(s) | oružana ~ (banke, dućana) holdup pljačkan pp plundered, sacked, looted, ravaged, robbed pljačkanje f robbing, plundering, looting pljačkaš m robber, looter, plunderer, ravager, pillager, marauder; (stoke) cattle-lifter pljačkati vt rob, plunder, pillage, sack, loot, ravage, maraud pljas!

Močvaran, poplavljen plavet f azure, the blue, blueness plavetan adj azure, bluish, sky-blue plavetnilo n blueness, azure plavica f ichth Spanish- mackerel plavičast adj bluish plavilo n laundress' blue, blueing plaviti vt dye blue; (rublje) use blueing plavjeti vi become blue plavjeti se vr look blue plavkast adj bluish plavljenje n blueing (i za rublje) plavokos adj blonde, fair(-haired) plavook adj blue-eyed plavuša f blonde, fair-haired woman plaziti vi crawl, creep; (odron) slide; (puzati pred nekim) cringe upon, fawn, grovel plazma f med & phys plasma plaža f beach plaženje n crawling, creeping; fig cringing pleba f Ger v.

Ponijeti ponešto adv somewhat, partly, slightly, to a degree, a bit ponetko pron occasional person poni m (konj) pony ponići vi v.

Dokrajčiti, svršiti

okopati vt hoe (spade) up, earth (mould) up; finish (have done) hoeing okopavanje n hoeing (banking, earthing, moulding) up okopavati vt hoe (spade, earth, mould) up okopnje|ti vi thaw, melt | okopnilo je it is thawing okorio adj (navika) ingrained, inveterate, addicted to, incorrigible; (u grijehu) hardened, callous, obdurate okoristiti se vr profit (benefit) by, turn to one's advantage (account, profit); take advantage of; (prilikom) avail oneself of an opportunity, use (improve) the opportunity (occasion) | on se svime okorišćuje all is grist that comes to his mill okorjelost f inveteracy, incorrigibility; quality of being ingrained (hardened, obdurate, callous) okorjeti vi become hardened (inveterate, incorrigible, callous, obdurate, indurate) okosit adj gruff, harsh, snapping okositi se vr snap at, snarl (out), fly at, snub, put one down okosnica f skeleton, fig sketch okošljiv adj v.

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uz nuz- pref co-, extra-, side-; accessory, additional, subsidiary nuzefekt m med side-effect nuzgredan adj (nebitan) unessential, indifferent, irrelevant, incidental, accidental, causal; (nevažan) unimportant, immaterial, of little-account (consequence, moment); (dodatan) additional, accessory, secondary nuzgrednost f a matter of secondary importance nuzzanimanje n second job nuzzarada f incidental earnings pl, perquisite nužd|a f (sila) necessity, exigency; (nepredviđena) emergency; (hitnost) urgent case, urgency, pressure; (prisilnost) compulsion; constraint; (škripac) difficulty, scrape pinch, straits pl; (krajnja) extremity; (tjelesna) call of nature; (potreba) occasion, need; (nestašica) misery, poverty, distress, indigence, needfulness | biti u ~i be in distress (straits), stand in need of, have occasion for, suffer want, be in want; ako bude ~a if need be (were); praviti krepost iz ~e make a virtue of necessity; ~a zakon mijenja need must when the devil drives, necessity has no law; u ~i necessitous; adresa u ~i (mjenica) address in case of need; iz ~e from necessity; bez ~e needlessly, without any occaaion; za ~u scarcely, hardly; barely, scantily, temporarily; (tek toliko) as a stop-gap, as a make-shift; izlaz za ~u emergency exit; u slučaju ~e in case of need; euph obaviti ~u relieve oneself, ease nature, use the oilet, go to the bathroom nuždan adj necessary, requisite; (vrlo) urgent, pressing, exigent, indispensable; (potreban) needful | nužna adresa address in case of need; stvari nužne za život necessities of life nužnik m v.

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zahod nužno adv of necessity, necessarily, in urgent need of | nije ~ there is no occasion for it nužnost f necessity

NJ njakati vi bray njedra n pl bosom, bust, breast; fig heart njeg|a f nursing, tending, rearing, nurture; (uzgajanje bilja, životinje) fancying; (dvorenje) attendance, ministering; (pažnja) care, charge | dati dijete u ~u put out to nurse; u njezi at nurse; ~a tuđe djece (na selu) baby-farming; imati u njezi tuđu djecu farm babies njegov pron his; (vlastit) of his own, of him, of his njegovanje n nursing, tending, fostering; nurture; training; fancying; (zubi, nokata) care of teeth (nails) njegovati vt (dijete) nurse, nurture; nourish; tend; foster, educate; train, rear, attend; care for; promote; groom Njemačka f geog Germany | Savezna Republika ~ German Federal Republic; (bivša) Demokratska Republika ~ (former) German Democratic Republic njemački adj German | govoriti ~ speak German njemčariti vi speak German with preference to one's own language Njemica f German (woman, lady, girl) njen pron v.

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nikad(a) nigdje adv nowhere, at no place Niger m geog (država) Niger; (rijeka) the Niger Nigerija f geog Nigeria Nigerij|ac m, ~ka f Nigerian nigerijski adj Nigerian nigerski adj geog Niger nihilist m nihilist nihilistički adj nihilistic nihilizam m nihilism nijansa f nuance, shade nijansirati vt nuance, shade niječan adj negative; (koji se uskraćuje) refusing | ~ odgovor refusal, veto, answer in the negative niječno adv negatively, in the negative | odgovoriti ~ answer in the negative; (uskratiti) refuse niječnost f negativeness nijedan adj no, no one, not one, none, not any, nobo,dy, not anybody, not a(n), not anyone, never a one | ~ više not another; ~ od dvojice njih neither of them; ~ od njih (više od dvojice) none of them; na ~ način in no wise (way); gotovo ~ hardly any nijedanput adv never, not once, never once, not a single time nijekalac m denying (gainsaying, disavowing, disowning) person; (poricalac) gainsayer nijekanje n negation, answer in the negative; (poricanje) denial, disavowal, disowning; disclaimer

nijekati vt deny, answer in the negative, negative; (ne priznati) disavow; disclaim, disown; (pobijati) gainsay, call in question; (protusloviti) contradict; (kratiti) repudiate nijem adj (bez rijeći) speechless, mute; (od rođenja) dumb; (od čuda) dumbfounded; (neizgovoren) silent, reticent Nijemac m German nijemjeti vi gradually lose power of speech; gradually become dumb nijemljenje n gradual losing power of speech; gradual becoming dumb nijemo adv mutely, dumbly, speechlessly, without speaking Nika f myth Nike nikad(a) adv never, at no time, not a single time, on no occasion, not once, never once; (na Sv.

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neodgojenost nevažan adj inconsequential, unimportant, immaterial nevažeći adj (zakon i sl.) null, null and void, invalid, not binding | proglasiti ~m declare null and void, invalidate, annul, cancel, void; (osudu) quash nevaženje n invalidity, nullity, voidness

nevažnost f unimportance nevelik adj not big (large), rather small, smallish neven m bot marigold nevera f reg sudden storm neveselo adj joylessly, cheerlessly, sadly; (mrko) gloamily, sullenly; (žalosno) mournfully; (potišteno) out of spirits, dismally neveselost f cheerlessness, joylessness neveseo adj cheerless, joyless; (žalostan) sad, sorrowful, mournful; (tmuran) gloomy, dull, sombre; (poklopljen) downcast, crestfallen, disheartened, depressed; (jadan) wretched, miserable nevezan adj (sponama) unbound, untied, unfettered, unshackled, loose; (neprovezan) unconnected, unattached; (nesputan) unrestrained; (neobvezan) without obligation, free; (stil) free, free-form | ~ razgovor informal talk; ~a diskusija freewheeling discussion nevezano adv freely; disconnectedly nevezanost f freedom from constraint; disconnected quality nevičan adj unaccustomed, unused to nevidljiv adj invisible, indiscernible, imperceptible; (skriven) latent, hidden, concealed; (zamućen) blurred; unapparent nevidljivo adv invisibly nevidljivost f invtsibility, imperceptibility nevidom adv | nestao je ~ he disappeared without leaving any trace neviđen adj not yet seen, unseen, unperceived; unprecedented; (nečuven) unheard of, scandalous nevin adj innocent, guiltless; (djevičanski) chaste, immaculate, maidenly; (bezgrješan) sinless, inculptable; (nekriv) blameless; (neokaljan) undefiled; (naivan) naive; (bezazlen) artless, harmless, guileless; (krepostan) virtuous | proglasiti ~im acquit, absolve, discharge, bring in not guilty nevinašce n dim & fig innocent lamb, babe nevino adj innocently nevinost f innocence, guiltlessness; blamelessness; virginity, maidenhood, purity; harmlessness, ingenuousness, innocuousness | dokazati svoju ~ prove one's innocence, clear oneself of a charge nevisok adj not tall, short(ish) neviteški' adj unchivalrous neviteski'' adv in an unchivalrous manner nevjenčan adj unmarried, unwedded | ~a žena commonlaw wife nevjenčano adv | živjeti ~ live in a common-law marriage nevjera f infidelity, treachery, faithlessness, unfaithfulness; disloyalty; (izdaja) treason; (čovjek) traitor nevjeran adj faithless, unfaithfull, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious; (nevjernik) infidel | postati ~ fall off; desert; revolt; forsake nevjerica f incredulity; v.