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No new timetable has been given for the preparation of the legislation, so it is assumed that the government will still stick to the original goal of having the new gambling system come into effect from the beginning of 2026. Since the work of the working group has been delayed in any case, it can be assumed that further delays will be avoided, and the schedule will be tightened in other respects. According to unofficial information, the goal is for the working group to finish its work by the end of May, or at least before the civil servants’ summer vacation period. Based on this, it can be assumed that the public hearing process could start in August at the best and the beginning of September at the latest.
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All of this has been happening over a year that has seen a big growth in online gambling overall. Because of worldwide lockdowns that caused brick-and-mortar casinos to close their doors, as well as people having more free time and looking for new activities, more and more people have been experimenting with online gambling.
Casino Guru launched a complaint resolution center, in which players can submit a complaint about an online casino and get assisted for free by the Casino Guru team, back in August 2019. The objective of this endeavor is, of course, to assist players that have been mistreated by online casinos.
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I believe this proposal also originates from the current legislation, based on which Veikkaus is not allowed to offer bonuses, discounts, free spins, or give customers betting money. Such offers are widely used in the international gambling business. In Sweden, the supply has been significantly limited, but there is no complete ban there either. Gambling companies operating with a Swedish license consider the current bonus restrictions to be the biggest reason why the channeling capacity of the Swedish system is now rapidly decreasing. This happens especially in online casino gaming, where companies with a Curacao license take Swedish customers with bonus offers.
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Casino Guru has had a busy year of 2020, spanned by website redesigns, new features and functionality, as well as just continuing what they do best – objectively reviewing online casinos, broadening their database of casino website, bonuses, and games, helping players with their complaints about , and trying to change online gambling for the better.
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With over 6,200 online casinos in its extensive database, Casino Guru is no stranger to affiliate management. Combined with AffPapa’s role as a facilitator in connecting operators and affiliate websites for a fruitful partnership, the course seamlessly combines the expertise of two prominent figures in the iGaming affiliation sector. In as little as 90 minutes, participants of the course can receive a certificate that not only backs up their knowledge of affiliate management essentials but also showcases their commitment to cultivating affiliate management best practices.
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