Millaisen arvosanan sinä antaisit Neon Vegas Casinolle?
Pienin nostosumma NeonVegas Casinolla on 50 €, ja kotiutukset hyväksytään yleensä 72 tunnin sisällä, mikä varmistaa nopean ja tehokkaan prosessin, jolla pelaajat pääsevät käsiksi voittoihinsa.
Rahatapahtumat NeonVegas Casinolla hoidetaan turvallisesti Trustlyn kautta, joka on hyvämaineinen maksutapa, jota käytetään yleisesti Pay'n Play -kasinoissa. Lisäksi kaikki tapahtumat ovat ilmaisia pelaajille, mikä eliminoi mahdolliset lisäkulut.
The player from Norway played on Nitrocasino, won 10113nok, and requested a withdrawal. After logging into their account, they found only 1000nok remaining. The support team claimed this was due to the player having used their welcome bonus on other sister casinos. The player claims this rule was absent from the Norwegian terms listed on the site. The casino replied and stated that the winnings had been confiscated due to an error on their part, and would be reinstated. The player received their payment and the case was resolved.
Neon Vegas kokemuksia löydät arvostelun lopusta.
Neon Vegas on uusi, helppokäyttöinen ja nopea kasino. Heillä on ihan okei valikoima, mutta toimivuuden osalta he vasta kunnolla pääsevät loistamaan. Kannattaa kuitenkin tutustua heidän bonuksiin aina huolellisesti, sillä valtavat bonussummat piilottavat taakseen todella vaikeat ehdot.
Paljon Neon Vegasin turvallisuudesta kertoo myös heidän MGA-lisenssi. Tätä lisenssiä ei todellakaan myönnetä aivan jokaiselle vastaantulijalle, vaan se tulee ansaita. Tämän lisenssin myötä Neon Vegasin toimintaa myös valvovat viranomaiset, joka tuo ehkä vielä hieman lisää turvallisuutta ja uskottavuutta tälle nettikasinolle.
Erittäin hyvä ja aiheellinen kysymys, johon voimme vastata kahdella sanalla: ei ole. Neon Vegas ei missään nimessä ole huijaus. Vaikka kyseessä on uusi nettikasino, joka on ollut mukana vasta vuodesta 2020 asti, ovat he silti täysin luotettava ja turvallinen vaihtoehto jokaiselle suomalaiselle pelaajalle.
Viimeinen heikkous Neon Vegasilla on se, että heidän asiakaspalvelu ei vain ole tarvittavalla tasolla. He vastaavat välillä todella hitaasti, vastaukset eivät aina auta täysin siinä mihin apua pyydettiin ja yleisesti ottaen tuki jättää vain vähän toivomisen varaan. Lisäksi suomenkieliselle palvelulle ei ole minkäänlaista aikataulua saatavilla.
Tärkeimmät Neon Vegas casino bonusehdot:
Vaikka Neon Vegas on lähes tulkoon kaiken kattava, moderni ja monipuolinen nettikasino, on sillä myös omat heikkoutensa. Nämä heikkoudet eivät kaikki ole niin suuria, mutta saattavat silti saada osan pelaajista kääntämään katseensa toisten nettikasinoiden suuntaan. Siksi näistä on hyvä puhua tässä etukäteen. Heikkouksia ovat seuraavat asiat.
Neon Vegas Casino is owned by Betpoint Group Ltd
Viimeisenä haluamme nostaa esille sen, että Neon Vegas tarjoaa parhaimmillaan aivan käsittämättömän nopeat kotiutukset. He lupaavat käsitellä kotiutukset 72 tunnin kuluessa, mutta parhaimmillaan olemme nähneet kotiutuksen saapuvan pankkitilillemme käytännössä välittömästi sen vahvistamisen jälkeen.
Nämä pelivalmistajat tarjoavat pelejään Neon Vegas Casinolla:
The player from Finland had her account blocked without any further explanation. The player had escalated this case to the regulator, so the complaint had been temporarily closed while we awaited the outcome of their investigation. We reopened this case as it had been three months since it had been initially submitted to the Licensing Authority for their decision. The player had been a member of the casino for about 2 years and had played various games with both her own money and bonuses offered by the casino. After weeks of internal discussions and communications with the casino, no progress had been made. Therefore, we had recommended the player to seek assistance from the Licensing Authority, specifically eCOGRA. The player had contacted eCOGRA and after some time, confirmed that the issue had been resolved and she had received her funds. We had marked the case as 'resolved' following the player's confirmation and the successful intervention by the official Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
NeonVegas Casinon pelivalmistajat ovat:
The player from Finland had her account blocked without any further explanation. The player had escalated this case to the regulator, so the complaint had been temporarily closed while we awaited the outcome of their investigation. We reopened this case as it had been three months since it had been initially submitted to the Licensing Authority for their decision. The player had been a member of the casino for about 2 years and had played various games with both her own money and bonuses offered by the casino. After weeks of internal discussions and communications with the casino, no progress had been made. Therefore, we had recommended the player to seek assistance from the Licensing Authority, specifically eCOGRA. The player had contacted eCOGRA and after some time, confirmed that the issue had been resolved and she had received her funds. We had marked the case as 'resolved' following the player's confirmation and the successful intervention by the official Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Mahtavan NeonVegas Casino bonuksen saat vain bonuskoodilla NEON.
The player from Finland had her account blocked without any further explanation. The player had escalated this case to the regulator, so the complaint had been temporarily closed while we awaited the outcome of their investigation. We reopened this case as it had been three months since it had been initially submitted to the Licensing Authority for their decision. The player had been a member of the casino for about 2 years and had played various games with both her own money and bonuses offered by the casino. After weeks of internal discussions and communications with the casino, no progress had been made. Therefore, we had recommended the player to seek assistance from the Licensing Authority, specifically eCOGRA. The player had contacted eCOGRA and after some time, confirmed that the issue had been resolved and she had received her funds. We had marked the case as 'resolved' following the player's confirmation and the successful intervention by the official Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Neon Vegas on pikakasino suurilla bonuksilla
The player from Finland had her account blocked without any further explanation. The player had escalated this case to the regulator, so the complaint had been temporarily closed while we awaited the outcome of their investigation. We reopened this case as it had been three months since it had been initially submitted to the Licensing Authority for their decision. The player had been a member of the casino for about 2 years and had played various games with both her own money and bonuses offered by the casino. After weeks of internal discussions and communications with the casino, no progress had been made. Therefore, we had recommended the player to seek assistance from the Licensing Authority, specifically eCOGRA. The player had contacted eCOGRA and after some time, confirmed that the issue had been resolved and she had received her funds. We had marked the case as 'resolved' following the player's confirmation and the successful intervention by the official Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Tässä vielä useimmiten kysyttyjä kysymyksiä Neon Vegas Casinosta:
Sivusto soveltuu hyvin myös sellaisille pelaajille, jotka haluavat pelaamisen seuraksi etuja ja kampanjoita. Tervetuliaisedun lisäksi tarjolla on paljon erilaisia kampanjoita, joista voi saada jopa päivittäisiä etuja. Jotkin pankkitunnistautumisen kautta toimivat pelipaikat eivät tarjoa etuja laisinkaan, joten tältä osin NeonVegas Casino erottuu hienosti kilpailijoistaan.