Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
Da qui accedi ai servizi di per immatricolazioni, iscrizioni, pagamento tasse e per consultare i dati relativi alla tua carriera universitaria (ad es. Libretto online e riepilogo tasse).
Ha új tagok vagyunk, akkor a regisztrációnál a platform sportfogadási részlegében 10.000 Ft-os üdvözlő bónuszt (welcome bonus) kaphatunk. Az Unibet online kaszinójában ennek háromszorosa, azaz 30.000 Ft ütheti a markunkat 30.000 Ft-os kezdő befizetés esetén (ez is egy 100%-os bónusz típus).
Die Universität Bern wünscht frohe Festtage sowie erholsame und freudige Stunden mit Ihren Liebsten.
Where to look for scholarship opportunities
Vorige maand wist WielerFlits al te melden dat Unibet Tietema Rockets op het punt stond om aan te kondigen voor komend seizoen. Nu heeft de ploeg zijn komst – op een ludieke manier – ook met de buitenwereld gedeeld. De puncheur uit Noorwegen, die op 28 december zijn dertigste verjaardag zal vieren, tekent voor één seizoen.
The University of Bern (: , : , : ) is a in the capital of . It was founded in 1834. It is regulated and financed by the . It is a comprehensive university offering a broad choice of courses and programs in eight and some 150 . With around 19,000 , the University of Bern is the third largest university in Switzerland.
UNIBE provides several services on campus to students including advisement and counseling, and extracurricular programming in sports and the arts. UNIBE departments also host several student organizations and special interest groups. Students and faculty also have access to Unibe's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center .
UNIBE's campus is located in the historic Gascue neighborhood in the city of Santo Domingo. The main building is the former home of Dominican intellectual Manuel Arturo Peña Battle. The rest of the campus consists of modern buildings that surround the historic home.
Bogdan Sonea, Marketing Manager Unibet România, a declarat:
Unibet Tietema Rockets vstupuje teprve do své třetí sezóny, z toho druhé ve společnosti ProTeams. Na soupisce má Adama Ťoupalíka, Tomáše Kopeckého a Lukáše Kubiše. Původně nizozemský tým nejenže rozšířil a zkvalitnil sestavu, ale změnil i licenci. Získal francouzskou a dělal to ze dvou důvodů. Tím hlavním je zvýšení šance získat divokou kartu na Tour de France pro rok 2026, tím druhým zvýšit šanci na dlouhodobější podporu hlavního sponzora.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
Unibet Tietema Rockets by nás mohl zajímat o to víc, že v něm budou - stejně jako v tomto roce - působit v následující sezóně dva čeští cyklisté Adam Ťoupalík a Tomáš Kopecký a k nim přibyl Slovák Lukáš Kubiš, který sem přestoupil z Elkov Kasper.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
UNIBE encourages scientific and philosophical diversity, creates an environment that respects religious and political beliefs in order to engage different perspectives in meaningful academic dialogue, and ensures that it is an inclusive institution representative of our country and the region´s diversity. UNIBE's work in this regard has been recognized through its UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Education for People with Disabilities and Special Education Needs and its membership in the UNITWIN Network on Media, Gender, and ICTs.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
Sacha Zala, Professor of Swiss and Modern General History at the University of Bern and Director of the Dodis Research Center, will present new sources on the history of Swiss foreign policy in 1994 at the University of Bern on January 3, 2025.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
UNIBE has several research program, including an undergraduate research track and an undergraduate neurosciences research program which aim to introduce students to research early on in their academic training. UNIBE has an Institute for Tropical Medicina and Global Health, the Center for Biomaterials and Dentistry Research, the Neurocognition and Psychophysiology Laboratory, among other research laboratories that provide undergraduate and graduate students with unique research opportunities in the country. Special research programs are available for the study of tropical and neglected diseases as well as HIV and COVID-19.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
Sacha Zala, Professor für Schweizer und Neueste allgemeine Geschichte und Direktor der Forschungsstelle Dodis, präsentiert am 3. Januar 2025 an der Universität Bern neue Quellen zur Geschichte der Schweizer Aussenpolitik im Jahr 1994.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
UNIBE has a student body of over 4,000 students who come from more than 20 countries and more than 700 faculty members. More than 8,000 alumni have graduated from UNIBE. UNIBE currently has a main campus in Santo Domingo's historic Gascue neighborhood and a third facility for research in global health and other health and behavioral sciences.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
In 2021, UNIBE launched an adult learning program for mid career professionals in Business Administration, Law, and Psychology.