Kasino A4:lle kansainvälistä mainetta

FAT, Kasino A4 ja Huili-lehdistäkin tunnettu AD Pekka Toivonen jättää jäähyväisiä graafiselle suunnittelulle: hän on säveltänyt Grafian antaman nimityksen kunniaksi My signs -teoksen, joka esitetään Temppeliaukion kirkossa 11.5.2016.

Stack subscribers who’ve been around for a while now will remember Kasino A4, the brilliantly anarchic magazine made by Finnish creative powerhouse Kasino. They pulled the plug on the magazine last year but on 1 May they’re back with their new project, the , which sits somewhere between a magazine and a book and explores a single subject in depth.

Photographic artist Jussi Puikkonen, born in 1980, lives in Amsterdam. He was a co-founder of the magazine Kasino A4, which was awarded by a number of domestic and foreign competitions (D&AD, Best of the Year, Top Ten Independent Style Magazines, etc.) He published his first book, On Vacation, with Swiss publisher Patrick Frey. Jussi has attended to many international solo and group exhibitions. His clients include Monocle, New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Times etc. He is represented by Summerhill Management.

Kasino A4 | D&AD Awards 2008 Pencil Winner | Entire Magazines

Photographic artist Jussi Puikkonen, born in 1980, lives in Amsterdam. He was a co-founder of the magazine Kasino A4, which was awarded by a number of domestic and foreign competitions (D&AD, Best of the Year, Top Ten Independent Style Magazines, etc.) He published his first book, On Vacation, with Swiss publisher Patrick Frey. Jussi has attended to many international solo and group exhibitions. His clients include Monocle, New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Times etc. He is represented by Summerhill Management.
The exhibition has received support from Patricia Seppälä Foundation and JOKES.

Finnish, KASINO A4, one of OZON’s favourite publications has now released their final #10 magazine, titled the ‘DEADLINE ISSUE’, which is now out for sale from their website. Kasino A4, is generally interpreted as melancholic, graphically black & white. The team will be back in Spring 2010 with a new project. This final issue includes Jesper Vuori’s compilation novel ‘Confessions of a Compulsive Liar’ and features serialized from their #0 issue.

FAT magazine is published by Kasino Creative Publishing, a publisher also known for the magazine Kasino A4. The second issue of FAT is published at Frankfurt Book Fair 2014.

Kasino A4 is "the most melancholy magazine", printed in black and white, using big themes - family, sex, ...

KASINO A4 magazine Issue 8 AW 2008 The Best Sex Issue

Kasino A4 Magazine, aka the most melancholic magazine, was launched in 2005.

Harvinainen Daniel Palillo x Kasino A4 T-paita

Kasino A4 Magazine, aka the most melancholic magazine, was launched in 2005.

Co-founder and director of photography of the magazine Kasino A4

Kasino A4 is "the most melancholy magazine", printed in black and white, using big themes - family, sex, ...

KASINO A4 Magazine Issue #7 Spring/Summer 2008 | CCA Islands

FAT-lehteä kustantaa Kasino Creative Publishing, joka tunnetaan myös Kasino A4 -lehdestä. Lehden julkistamista siivittää Designmuseossa esillä oleva näyttely , joka on esillä 22. syyskuuta asti.

James Bond Kasino Wand Kunst Druck Poster für A4 Rahmen

Muodin huipulle -ohjelmasta tutusta Achilles Ion Gabriel poseerasi Kasino A4 -lehdelle. Kuvasta tuli kuitenkin niin hurja, että se sensuroitiin.

Las Vegas kasino A4 plakát s rámečkem dubové dřevo

"Tarkoituksemme on elää myös lehden sivujen ulkopuolella, näyttelyiden, tapahtumien, minkä tahansa poikkitaiteelisten tempausten muodossa. Kasino A4 on maailma, ei pelkkä lehti."


Achilles paljasti myös tuolloin, että seuraavaksi hänestä tulee kuva Kasino A4 -lehteen, jossa mies on oksentanut ja kuollut. Kuvasta tuli kuitenkin lopulta niin hurjan näköinen, ettei lehti julkaisutkaan sitä.


Kasino A4 ei olisi voinut syntyä suuren aikakauslehtikustantajan suunnittelupalaverissa. Markkinarakonen on täsmäkokoinen ja sen tavoittaminen vaatii asiantuntevuutta. Liksäksi lehden tekijöillä on luonteva suhde aiheisiinsa ja lukijakuntaansa.

Kasino A4 deads profile picture

Omalaatuisten kuvakertomusten ohella tyyli on Kasino A4:n perusta. Masku-tarinan teksteissä kerrotaan, mitä vaatetusta ja koruja henkilöillä on yllään. Kalliinpuoleisia desingkuteita merkkiliikkeistä.

Kasino A4 that once was the coolest magazine on Earth

You can take the man out of the Finnish woods, but you can't take the mud off his boots.

He was a co-founder of the world’s most melancholic magazine, Kasino A4, which received awards from a number of domestic and foreign competitions (including D&AD, Best of the Year, and Top Ten Independent Style Magazines).

Casino / návody hry pravidla nejkrásnější kasina (A4)

Hän oli perustamassa Kasino A4 joka palkittiin useilla kansainvälisillä palkinnoilla (D&AD, Best of the Year, Top Ten Independent Style Magazines, etc.)